Thursday, March 4, 2010

Phase Three: Sell The Product

The Product is anything you are good at, something you excel at enough to get you noticed within the ranks of The Target. It does not strictly have to be something regarding EVE Online, either. By the time you have reached Phase 3 you should have figured out what The Product is. If you have not, here are a few examples.

Finding The Product
Your Product should be something The Target needs, something that would help the corporation itself rise to greatness were you not planning on taking their shit and running to Mexico with it, proverbially speaking. For instance, let's say you have a webserver you use now and then and you know a thing or two about web development. See if the CEO is interested in a corp site and if he'll pitch money for a domain. Your product is a website for The Target. This approach is extremely valuable, as it will immediately put you in a leadership position on the website. You will be the administrator, you will instantaneously hold a great deal of power within The Target. Anything someone says on the website is at your disposal, and you can monitor all communication therein.

Alternatively, let's say you excel in literature or prose, you can try to weasel your way into being The Target's crier. Typing rules, mails and announcements. Like the website approach, this will put you in the loop within The Target, and you'll have direct access to the CEO and his dictations.

Let's say the target is a PvP corp. If you know your way around PvP, you can solidify your position by giving tactical advice and appraisals, managing small gangs and fleets. It will require some talking to get into this position, but once you're in you once again have direct access to the CEO and have become a leader among your cohorts. Additionally, you may be given near immediate access to hangars containing PvP modules and ships to aid you in your fights.

The best product is one similar to those above. One that makes you stand out, one that gives you power. Never sell the product too soon, instead groom and prepare it as best you can for several weeks at least. Finding the product is as simple as doing the proper research you hopefully have done during Phase One. What does The Target need? Advertisement? Logistics? Industrial capacity? Transportation? Tactical advisory? Monitor The Target and make a list of things they would value, and decide which role you could fill.

Selling The Product
Once you've found The Product you have to sell it. This takes a great deal of persuasion and patience. You can't just go to the CEO as a two-day-long member and tell him you want to make them a site. You have to make friends first, you have to become acquainted. Drop hints regarding The Product. It is especially effective if it is the CEO's idea to utilize your skills. For instance, if you have the webserver, talk about it from time to time when the CEO is present. You will have a much easier time rising in rank if it's the CEO's idea to make the website.

In the end, selling The Product is very akin to running normal scams. You need to represent yourself with moderate truth and you need to give before you can take. Without it, you will never have a successful Heist.

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